Welcome to 108 Midnight Riders Radio, were old school jams are for those who can handle that late night, long, stroking, love making music. "The shitstain on the underwear of life"108 Midnight Riders doesn't throw rocks and hide our hands, because God made sidewalks for those who can't walk on the street,Abomasum — the fourth stomach of a ruminant, such as a cow or sheep (noun)
2. Absquatulate — to leave somewhere abruptly (verb)
3. Adagio — to perform in slow tempo (adverb)
4. Alfresco — taking place or located in the open air (adverb)Alcazar — a Spanish palace or fortress (noun)
6. Amok — an episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects (noun)
7. Amphisbaena — a mythical serpent with a head at each end (noun)
8. Antimacassar — a small covering (noun)
9. Atingle